Archive for October, 2010

Crunch Time!

Monday, October 11th, 2010

Last week I met with the band for our usual practice. We had a very constructive session dedicating most of our time to working on musical arrangements for a couple of my new songs. We want to have all our material down solid so that we can have all the instrumental tracks recorded for our debut album by the end of this year. The goal is to have the album completed and ready to launch by early 2011. Exciting!

However, before all of that gets done we still have to work on preparing for our upcoming show with Rae Spoon on Sun, Nov 28 at Casa del Popolo. And from the looks of it we don’t have many rehearsal days left with the entire band. Seems like this month is the month of scheduling conflicts! Oh well, we’ll just have to make the most out of the time we do have together.

Game Plan

Friday, October 8th, 2010

I’ve been at this music thing for a while now and have tried everything from playing the chameleon to fit into what other bands were looking for to being the singer/songwriter half of a trip hop duo. Then at the age of 30 right when I was about ready to call it quits I got my dream band of musicians together. It happened almost effortlessly. I guess it wasn’t all that much of an accident since all the time I put in wasn’t in vain, it was my time to discover my voice and grow into a much more confident musician than I was ten years ago. Hell, a little while back I was still struggling with the idea of referring to myself as a musician!

A lot of the time I feel like I’m in a race with myself. I want everything to have been done yesterday. Then I remember that I need to step back and look at the progress that I’ve made – which is a worthwhile thing to do especially when you’re wrapped up in all the plans for the future.

Muscle Memory

Sunday, October 3rd, 2010

So you’ve heard me whining about not being able to play with the band for the last little while but last Saturday finally marked the end of that!

Chris, Andy and I went over our set and worked on a new song. It’s amazing how much the songs stick in your muscle memory. We were surprised by how smooth everything went despite our lapse in practice.

We’re excited to be back in rehearsal mode and look forward to returning to the stage soon. Our next show will be at Casa del Popolo on Sunday, Nov. 28 with the incredible Rae Spoon. Be sure to save the date!